Bringing an American classic up to standard – 1964 Ford Thunder Bird

This stunning powder blue coloured Ford Thunder Bird was brought to us for an engine bay re-paint.

The car was in a good condition and still retained its original paint inside and out but inevitably over the years the engine bay paint had cracked and crazed.

Engine bay

We used our trusted paint supplier to scan a headlight cowl so we could perfectly match the original pale blue colour. The engine was removed and the engine bay was hand stripped and repainted. We painted the engine components in the correct 1964 colour scheme of black and gold. A set of reproduction engine bay decals was installed and to complete the look our auto electrician wrapped the wiring loom in period correct cloth tape.


With the car in the bright lights of our spray booth it was evident that not all of the exterior paint was original and there had been phases of repair and painting carried out in the past.

The engine bay had been the weakest part of the car but with it now in a perfect state the rest of the car looked slightly jaded. Our customer did not want a full exterior re-paint so we agreed on a careful phase of paint restoration with small blemishes carefully touched in and areas of the car very skilfully blended in with the new paint. Finally, our paint team expertly polished the whole car focussing on the previous paint repairs to bring them all to a perfect overall finish.

The Result

The finished T-Bird is now in excellent overall condition. The perfect interior is now matched by its exterior paint and engine bay paint. All parts of the car have now been brought up to the same standard and work together, to present the vehicle in the best possible light, thanks to the unforgiving bright lights of our spray booth!

Mark Anderson
Beautifully presented hand made framed limited edition photographs.

A family affair – 1963 Jaguar Mk 2 3.8 manual


Creating the perfect Lotus Cortina shell – 1967 Series 2 Lotus Cortina