Austin Healey

Austin Healey specialists

The last Austin Healey 3000 Mk 3 completed by the factory was painted by us. It was an interesting car in a rare original gold colour used to paint the very last examples produced. When it sold at auction it achieved the highest price ever paid for the model.

The early Austin Healey’s are fantastic vehicles, and their story begins in 1952 with the Austin Healey 100 and Austin Healey 100M. But it’s the so called ‘Big Healey’s that command much of the attention, the Austin Healey 3000 was born in 1959 as the Mk1 with the Mk 2 arriving in 1961. These cars had better gearboxes and disc brakes to the front wheels. The Mk 1 Austin Healey Sprite, the so called ‘Frogeye’ Sprite with its fabulous clam shaped bonnet and bulbous headlights is a lower cost entry point to Healey ownership.  Those cars are good reminders that small horsepower does not have to mean less fun but low resale values means that a full professional restoration is from the heart rather than the head!

The Austin Healey Mk 3 arrived in 1964 and offers the most powerful Austin Healey experience with 148 bhp and a top speed of 121 mph – these are fantastic fun to own but rust is of course the biggest issue with all these cars, rot can set in fast on cars that have been poorly stored. Strictly speaking these are monocoque cars as the chassis is welded to body panels but that means plenty of rust traps and the removal of many panels to get to and repair all the damaged areas. These cars have been desired and respected for many years and many will likely have had previous repairs of dubious quality.